إنّي أتدفَّقُ من جديد،..

يوما بعد يوم،.. تكبُرُ قواي،.. و عزمي، و حُبِّي للحياه،.. لله الفضل
ثم لها،.. لا أعلم كيف سأرُدُّ لها هذا الجميل، سوا بُحُبِّي المُتواضع، و كلماتي القليله

الاثنين، 9 مايو 2016

It's hard,..

It's hard to realize that you couse Only pain to those who loved you,..

It's really hard, and it make me cry and hopeless,..

It's hard when someone you love tells you that you don't feel, and you don't care,.. While you are trying to pretend to be tough,..

It's hard,..

It's hard when you feel that they are giving up on you, like you are a not winning case,..

It's Just Hard To See Them Hating You,.. But they are in love with you,..

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